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    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Kurniyati Indahsari, M.Si
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Henny Oktavianti S.E. M.E

    ABSTRAK AchmadKurniawan, AnalisisFaktor – Faktor Yang Mempengaruh iIntensitas Kunjungan Di EkowisataHutan Mangrove Wonorejo (studikasus di ekowisatahutan mangrove WonorejoKecamatanRungkut Kota Surabaya). Di bawahbimbinganDr.KurniyatiIndahsari. M.SI danHennyOktavianti S.E,M.E ObjekEkowisataHutan Mangrove WonorejoKecamatanRungkut Kota Surabaya memilikipotensi yang cukupbesaruntukdikembangkankarenapotensiEkowisata yang memilikinilaitambahyaitusebagaitempatwisatasekaligusedukasiuntuklebihmengenaldanmengetahuimacam – macamekosistem yang ada di dalamhutan mangrove.Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmengetahuipengaruhpendapatan, biaya, jarak, fasilitasdanpelayananterhadapintensitaskunjungan di ekowisatahutan mangrove wonorejo.Data yang digunakanadalah data hasilwawancaradengan 50 pengunjung yang diperolehsecaraaccidental sampling (yaitupenentuansampel yang berdasarkankebetulan). Hasilanalisismenggunakanmetode OLS (Orginary least square) menunjukkanbahwavariabelfasilitas yang berpengaruhpositifsignifikanterhadapintensitaskunjungandi EkowisataHutan Mangrove di Wonorejo.sementaraitu, variabelpendapatan, biaya, jarakdanpelayanansecaraparsialtidakberpengaruh.Walaupundemikiansecarasimultanvariabel – variabeltersebutberpengaruhterhadapintensitaskunjungan di EkowisataHutan Mangrove Wonorejo Surabaya, iniberartiuntukmenaikkanintensitaskunjunganpengelolaharusmeningkatkanataumelengkapifasilitas yang ada di EkowisataHutan Mangrove di Wonorejo Surabaya. Kata Kunci :Intensitaskunjungan, pendapatan, biaya, jarak, fasilitasdanpelayanan.


    ABSTRACT Kurniawan.A.,An Analysis Affecting Visits Intensity Factors at Ecotourism Mangrove Forest , Wonorejo (A Case Study at Ecotourism Mangrove Forest in Wonorejo, Rungkut, Surabaya). The Thesis Advisors are Mrs. Dr. Kurniyati Indah Sari. M.SI and mrs.HennyOktavianti, S.E, M.E. Ecotourism Mangrove Forest, Wonorejo, Rungkut, Surabaya has a great potential to be developed because of the potential Ecotourism has added value as a learning education place for visitors, especially for their children to get to know the various ecosystems in the mangrove forest, so that the visitors have some the advantages like they can enjoy the beautiful nature and recognize the kind of flora and fauna in it, prompting the visitors to often visits that tourism. This study aims to determine the effect of revenue, cost, distance, facilities and service to the visit intensity in the ecotourism mangrove forest, Wonorejo. The data usedisinterview datawith50 visitorsobtainedaccidental sampling(iethe determination ofthe sampleis based oncoincidence). Results of analysisusing OLS method (least square orginary) indicates that the variable facilities significant positive effect onthe intensity ofthe visitin Ecotourism Mangrove Forestin Wonorejo. Mean while, variable income, expenses, partially distance services and has no effect. Never the lesss imultaneously variables-these variables affect the intensity of the visitin Ecotourism Mangrove Forest Wonorejo Surabaya, this means toraise the intensity of visits managers must improve or complement existing facilities in the Mangrove Forest Ecotourism in Wonorejo Surabaya. Keyword: Visit Intensity, Revenue, Cost, Distance, Facilities, Services

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