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  • Pengaruh Atribut Kepuasan Konsumen Terhadap Loyalitas Merek Air Minum Aqua (Studi Pada Perumahan Telang Indah Desa Telang Kecamatan Kama Kab. Bangkalan)
    Penulis : M. CHOIRUL ANAM
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. H. Muh. Syarif, Drs. Ec, M.Si
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Fathor. AS, SE., MM

    ABSTRAK M. CHOIRUL ANAM (2015) “Pengaruh Atribut Kepuasan Konsumen Terhadap Loyalitas Merek Air Minum Aqua (Studi Pada Perumahan Telang Indah Desa Telang Kecamatan Kama Kab. Bangkalan)”. Dibawah bimbingan Dr. H. Muh. Syarif, Drs. Ec, M.Si dan Fathor. AS, SE., MM Tujuan penelitiian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah variabel atribut kepuasan konsumen yang terdiri dari Attributes related to the product, Attributes related to service, Attributes related to purchase berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas merek air minum AQUA di Perumahan Telang Indah Desa Telang Kec.Kamal. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen air minnum dalam kemasan (AMDK) merek AQUA di Perumahan Telang Indah Desa Telang Kec.Kamal dan sampel dalam penelitian ini diperoleh sampel sejumlah 40 responde, sedangkan untuk pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purpoosive sampling. Penelitian ini juga mengguanakan analisis regresi linier berganda , Uji F dan Uji t. Hasil pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa uji F diperoleh nilai Fhitung sebesar 40,154 dengn tingkat signifikan sebesar 0,000, yang menyatakan bahwa variabel atribut kepuasan konsumen yang terdiri dari Attributes related to the product, Attributes related to service, Attributes related to purchase secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas merek air minum AQUA. Berdasarkan uji t diketahui Attributes related to the product memiliki nilai signifikan yaitu sebesar 0,000. Attributes related to service memiliki nilai signifikan yaitu sebesar 0,071, Attributes related to purchase memiliki nilai signifikan yaitu sebesar 0,000. karena Attributes related to the product dan Attributes related to purchase masing-masing memiliki nilai signifikan yang sama sehingga berdasarkan uji t variabel dari atribut kepuasan konsumen yang berpengaruh dominan terhadap loyalitas merek adalah Attributes related to product hal ini berdasarkan nilai dari Standardized Coefficients Beta bahwa Attributes related to the product memiliki nilai yang lebih tinggi daripada nilai Atribut Related To The Purchase. Kata Kunci: Atribut Kepuasan Konsumen, Loyalitas Merek


    ABSTRACT M. CHOIRUL ANAM (2015) “The Influence of Attributes Satisfaction of Customer to Brand Loyalty Aqua Water (Study at Housing Telang Indah, villages Telang district Kamal, Districts Bangkalan)”. Advisor Dr. H. Muh. Syarif, Drs. Ec, M.Si dan Fathor. AS, SE., MM The purpose of this study is to know do attributes variable satisfaction of customer which consists of Attributes related to the product, Attributes related to service, Attributes related to purchase an effect on brand loyalty AQUA water in housing Telang Indah, village Telang district Kamal, Districts Bangkalan. The population in this study is drinking water consumer in packaging (bottled water) brand of AQUA in Housing Telang Indah Desa Telang district Kamal and sample in this study is obtained a sample of 40 respondes, while for sampling use methods purpoosive sampling. This study also use analysis of multiple linear regression, F test and T test. Results of this study is indicate that the F test obtained calculated F value of 40.15 4 with less significant level of 0.000, which states that the attributes variable satisfaction of customer which consists of Attributes related to the product, Attributes related to service, Attributes related to purchase simultaneously have an affect the brand loyalty AQUA water. Based on T test known Attributes related to the product have value significant that is equal to 0.000. Attributes related to service have value significant that is equal to 0, 071, Attributes related to purchase have value significant that is equal to 0.000. Because Attributes related to the product and Attributes related to purchase each have the same significant value so that based on T test variables of attributes satisfaction of customer the dominant influence to brand loyalty is the Attributes related to product it is based on the value of the Standardized Coefficients Beta Attributes that relate d to the product has a higher value than the value attribute d Relate To The Purchase. Keywords: Attributes Satisfaction of Customer, Brand Loyalty

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