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KONSEP DIRI DOSEN PEREMPUAN (Studi Terhadap Dosen Perempuan di Universitas Trunojoyo Madura)Penulis : Rizky PrimadiyatnaDosen Pembimbing I : Dewi Quraisyin, S.Pd.I.,M.Si.Dosen Pembimbing II :Abstraksi
Penelitiandenganjudulkonsepdiridosenperempuan (studiterhadapdosenperempuan di UniversitasTrunojoyo Madura) inibertujuanuntukmengetahuibagaimanakonsepdiridosen-dosenperempuan di UTM yang merupakanperempuan yang memilikiperanganda, sebagaiseorangibudanistridalamranah domestic dansebagaiseorang professional dalamranahpublik. Penelitianiniberjenisdeskriptifkualitatif. Denganmenggunakanteknikpengumpulan data berupawawancara, dokumentasisertaliteratur. Pembahasandalampenelitianiniditulisdengandeskriptifinterpretatif. Subjekpenelitianiniadalahdosenperempuan di UniversitasTrunojoyo Madura, sedangkanobjekdalampenelitianiniadalahkonsepdiriparadosen yang menjadi key informandalampenelitian. Gunamengujikeabsahan data, makapenelitianinimenggunakamtriangulasisumber. Denganmenggunakanmetodediatas, penulismendapatkankesimpulanbahwaparadosenperempuantersebutmemilikikonsepdiri yang positifterhadapdirinyadenganjenis yang relative sama, yaituthe basic self concept. Selainsuami, keluargadekat, dankomunitas yang merekaikuti, media massadantuntutanpekerjaanjugamemberikanpengaruhterhadapkonsepdirimereka.
AbstractionThe research entitled ‘The self concept of female lectures (A Study of female lectures in Trunojoyo University Madura)’ is aimed to get brief description of the female lectures self concept in Trunojoyo University Madura, who have double role in their life, as a mother and a wife in domestic field and as a professional worker in public field. This descriptive qualitative study uses interview and literature documentation in collecting the data. The discussion of the research is written in interpretative description. The subjects of the study are the female lectures in Trunojoyo University Madura. The object of the study is the self concept of those lectures who are the informant keys in the research. In order to validate the data, this research uses source triangulation. By using the methods above, the writer concluded that those lectures have relatively same self concept. Beside husbands, relatives, and the community they are involved with; mass media and their job environment also contribute to influence their self concept.