Detail Karya Ilmiah

  • A Study of Puns in "Scary Movie" Series
    Penulis : Fauziah Fauzan
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Iqbal Nurul Azhar, S.S, M.Hum
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Dr.Masduki, M.Pd


    ABSTRACT Fauzan, Fauziah 100511100074. 2014 : A Study of Puns in “Scary Movie” Series. Thesis. English Study Program of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisor; (1) Iqbal Nurul Azhar, S.S, M.Hum., (II) Dr. Masduki, Mpd. This study aims to find out the puns as verbal humor applied in Scary Movie series; Scary movie and Scary Movie 4. There are three objectives of the study, those are; 1.) To describe the types of puns found in Scary Movie and Scary Movie 4, 2.) To explain how the lud? and ludant of puns construct the humor in Scary Movie and Scary Movie 4, 3.) To explain the functions of pun in constracting the humor in Scary Movie and Scary Movie. The research design of this study is qualitative descriptive and the data of this study are the written forms of the utterances used by characters in Scary movie and Scary Movie 4. The technique applied in collecting data is content analysis. The researcher collected 13 data of puns which are found in those movies. Based on the Schröter and Delabastita classifications, the results showed that there are only three types of pun uttered in these movies. Regarding to the lud? and ludant relation, some of them do not have relation, or they both coexisted, their S1 force connotation on S2, and also their S2 just force connotiations on S1. Then,in applications of the seven functions of the puns sugessted by Delabstita, only found five of them, they are a) animating characters; b) supporting witty dialogue; c) exploiting awareness discrepancy; d) manipulating audience response and e) tricking the censor: taboo. Key Words: Puns, Scary Movie, Lud?, Ludant

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