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    Penulis : Mamatul Afiyah
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Suryo Tri Saksono
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Dr. Suryo Tri Saksono


    ABSTRACT Afiyah, Mamatul. The Meaning of Symbol in Robin Brockman’s Spider Grandmother and Big Trouble Whit Little God Fairytales.Thesis. English Study Program, Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisor: Dr. Suryo Tri Saksono . Symbol is one of devices that is used to reflect something. Symbol becomes important element because people can easily find symbols in daily life such as mosque symbolizes of Islam and church symbolizes of Christianity. People cannot understand well about the meaning of the both of these things without explanation. Therefore it is important for the people to know about the meaning of symbols because sometimes symbol appears as something important that should be understood well by people. This study focuses on the symbol by using archetype theory of Northrop Frye in Robin Brockman’s Spider Grandmother and Big Trouble Whit Little God. Analysis of symbol can be reference for people to know about the meaning of symbol itself. Beside the story was interesting, it also contains many symbols that appear from the story. Therefore, the writer chose archetypal theory as the device to find how many symbol found in the story. Based on the Archetypal theory, there are seven cyclical symbol used to find the meaning of symbol in the story such as divine world, human world, vegetable world, animal world, fire world, mineral world, and water world. This study uses qualitative method to analyze the data. It means that the data collected without being manipulated the data also collected descriptively, and inductively. This study also used myth as a symbol which was related with daily life as the value such as spirit that believed it has in around. Therefore, this study chose the symbol analysis in myth story by Robin The Spider Grandmother and Big Trouble with Little Godto know what the meaning of symbols in the stories are because sometimes symbols that appear in the story has related with daily life. After analyzing these fairytales Spider Grandmother and Big Trouble with Little God, the writer has found the meaning of symbols such as spider grandmother that was symbol of creator, mystery, and power. While, little god is symbol of the spirit that could not be seen by human being. Therefore, it was called as little god in the story. Key Words: Myth, Archetype, Meaning of Symbol.

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