Detail Karya Ilmiah
LUCY SILCHESTER’S ANXIETY IN CECILIA AHERN’S THE TIME OF MY LIFEPenulis : BADRIYATUL QOMARIYAHDosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Suryo Tri SaksonoDosen Pembimbing II :Imron Wakhid Harist, S.S,M.pdAbstraksi
ABSTRACT Qomariyah, Badriyatul. Lucy Silchester’s anxiety in Cecilia Ahern’s The Time of My Life. Thesis. English Study Program of Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisors: Dr. Suryo Tri Saksono. Lucy Silchester’s Anxiety in Cecilia Ahern’s The Time of My Life Lucy Silchester was the main character of the novel The Time of My Life. She experienced many things in her life. It inspired the writer to analyze it. She had many conflicts and that conflicts become the cause of her anxiety. This study focuses on Lucy Silchester’s anxiety which concerns to the narrations from narrator and utterances of Lucy Silchester and some characters in the novel. Hence, psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud was used as tool to analyze this novel. This was qualitative study. the writer was the key instrument and the data were described in the form of words. The author’s narration and the characters’s utterances that related to the main character’s anxiety were used to reveal the elaboration of Lucy Silchester’s anxiety. The data collection was done simultaneously with the data analysis. After the writer finished this study, it could be concluded that this study revealed many things concerning with anxiety. They were causes of Lucy Silchester’s anxiety. The kind of Lucy Silchester’s anxiety, they were reality and moral anxiety. Lucy Silcheter also tries to overcome her anxiety through defense mechanism, they were denial, rationalization, projection and fantasy. Keywords: Cause, Anxious, Defense
AbstractionABSTRACT Qomariyah, Badriyatul. Lucy Silchester’s anxiety in Cecilia Ahern’s The Time of My Life. Thesis. English Study Program of Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisors: Dr. Suryo Tri Saksono. Lucy Silchester’s Anxiety in Cecilia Ahern’s The Time of My Life Lucy Silchester was the main character of the novel The Time of My Life. She experienced many things in her life. It inspired the writer to analyze it. She had many conflicts and that conflicts become the cause of her anxiety. This study focuses on Lucy Silchester’s anxiety which concerns to the narrations from narrator and utterances of Lucy Silchester and some characters in the novel. Hence, psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud was used as tool to analyze this novel. This was qualitative study. the writer was the key instrument and the data were described in the form of words. The author’s narration and the characters’s utterances that related to the main character’s anxiety were used to reveal the elaboration of Lucy Silchester’s anxiety. The data collection was done simultaneously with the data analysis. After the writer finished this study, it could be concluded that this study revealed many things concerning with anxiety. They were causes of Lucy Silchester’s anxiety. The kind of Lucy Silchester’s anxiety, they were reality and moral anxiety. Lucy Silcheter also tries to overcome her anxiety through defense mechanism, they were denial, rationalization, projection and fantasy. Keywords: Cause, Anxious, Defense