Detail Karya Ilmiah

  • Illocutionary act in "cinderella" movie
    Penulis : Farida
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, S.S., M.Pd.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :


    Abstract This article concerns on the types of illocutionary act in “Cinderella”. A movie directed by Kenneth Branagh in 2015. This article aims to explain illocutionary act that used by the main characters in conversation of Cinderella movie. In analyzing the data, this article used type of speech act theory. Moreover, this research used the qualitative design. The data of this article are the utterances, phrases, clauses and sentences used in Cinderella Movie. The data of this article are collected by using content analysis method. They are directive, expressive, representative, comissive, and declarative as types of illocutionary act that found in “Cinderella” Movie. From the data analysis, the writer collected 18 data from Cinderella movie. As the result of article there are 8 utterances for directive type, commisive are 0 utterance, representative are 6 utterances, declarative are 0 utterance, and expressive are 4 utterances. Keywords: Type of Illocutionary Act, Speech Act theory, Cinderella Movie

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