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  • Analisis Kinerja Sektor Pertanian Sub sektor Tanaman Pangan di Kabupaten Sampang
    Penulis : Dewi Indrawati
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Slamet Widodo, S.P,. M,Si
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Mardiyah Hayati, S.P,. MP

    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Sampang dengan tujuan : (1) untuk mengetahui kinerja sub sektor tanaman pangan di Kabupaten Sampang, (2) untuk mengetahui komoditas tanaman pangan apa saja yang unggulan di Kabupaten Sampang. Metodologi penelitian mengambil lokasi berdasarkan pertimbangan bahwa dalam perkembangan potensi sumberdaya pertanian di Kabupaten Sampang sebanyak 5,39 persen. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis LQ. Hasil pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Komoditas padi memiliki produksi sebesar 198.819 ton, luas panen sebesar 35.716 hektar, produktivitas sebesar 5,57 ton/hektar. 2) Komoditas jagung memiliki produksi sebesar 120.285 ton, luas panen sebesar 75.696 hektar, produktivitas sebesar 1,59 ton/hektar. 3) Komoditas kedelai memiliki produksi sebesar 32.333 ton, luas panen sebesar 21.198 hektar, produktivitas sebesar 1,53 ton/hektar. 4) Komoditas kacang tanah memiliki produksi sebesar 24.544 ton, luas panen sebesar 24.111 hektar, produktivitas sebesar 1,02 ton/hektar. 5) Komoditas ubi jalar memiliki produksi sebesar 11.866 ton, luas panen sebesar 1.694 hektar, produktivitas sebesar 7,00 ton/hektar. 6) Komoditas ubi kayu memiliki produksi sebesar 158.159 ton, luas panen sebesar 14.030 hektar, prosuktivitas sebesar 11,27 ton/hektar. Komoditas tanaman pangan yang unggul di kabupaten Sampang adalah kacang tanah dengan produksi sebesar 23.399 ton dengan nilai LQ sebesar 2,87 yang bermakna bahwa dari keseluruhan produksi kacang tanah yang ada sebanyak satu bagian (1,00) untuk memenuhi Kabupaten Sampang, dan sisinya (1,87) memenuhi kebutuhan di luar Kabupaten Sampang. Kata kunci: analisis deskriptif dan analisis LQ, kinerja sektor tanaman pangan.


    ABSTRACT This study is conducted aimed to: (1) to find out the performance of food plantation sub sector in Sampang Regency, (2) to find out what are the commodity of food plantation considered as superior in Sampang Regency. The location is chosen based on determination that in the potential development of agriculture resource in Sampang Regency is as much as 5, 39 percent. Source of data which is used in this study is secondary data. The method of analyzing data uses descriptive analysis and LQ analysis. of discussions show that: 1) Rice’s commodity has production as much as 198.819 tons, the vast of harvestis as wide as 35.716 hectares, the productivity is as much as 5,57 ton/hectare. 2) Corn’s commodity has production as much as 120.285 tons, the vast of harvest is as wide as 75.696 hectares, the productivity as much as 1, and 59 ton/hectare. 3) Soybean’s commodity has productivity as much as 32.333 tons, the harvest vas is as wide as 21.198 hectares, and the productivity is as much as 1,53 ton/hectare.4) Peanut’scommodity has production as much as 24.544 tons, the vast of harvest is as much as 24.111 hectare, and the productivity is as much as 7,00 ton/hectare. 5) Sweet potato’s commodity has production as much as 11.866 tons, the vast of harvest is 1.694 hectares, and the productivity is as much as 7,00 ton/hectare. 6) Cassava’s commodity has production as much as 158.159 tons, the vast of harvest is as much as 14.030 hectares, and the productivity is as much as 11, 27 ton/hectare. Food plant commodity which is considered as superior in Sampang Regency is peanut which production is as much as 23.399 tons with the value of LQ is as much as 2, 87 which means that among the production of peanut which is in one part (1, 00) to full fill Sampang Regency, and the rest (1, 87) fills the need out of Sampang Regency Key words: descriptive analysis and LQ analysis, the performance of food plant.

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