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    Penulis : BAHRUDIN
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Alifah Rahma Wati, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psi
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui konflik intrapersonal remaja putri yang dipaksa menikah dini di Desa Banjarbillah Kabupaten Sampang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang ditentukan berdasarkan purposive sampling. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah Remaja wanita yang dipaksa menika dini di Desa Banjarbillah Kecamatan Tambelangan Kabupaten Sampang, dengan kreteria Remaja Wanita berusia 18-19 tahun (masa dewasa awal) yang masih duduk dikursi SMA sederajat. Metode pengumpulan data adalah wawancara. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Konflik Intrapersonal Remaja putri yang Dipaksa Menikah Dini. dapat dilihat dari tiga Indikator. Adanya Suatu Pertentangan Antara Perasaan-Perasaan Senang dan Frustasi, Gagal dan Berhasil, Berharap dan Putus Asa, Adanya Dua Gagasan atau Lebih yang Berupa Pertentangan, Gerakan Hati (Impuls), Saling Berlawanan dan Terjadi Ketegangan Emosi dan Adanya Suatu Perjuangan Antara Keinginan dan Pertentangan yang ada Dalam Diri Individu Berupa Pertentangan Psikis Seperti Merasa Frustasi, Stres dan Berusaha untuk Melawannya. Masing-masing subjek merasa senang karena tidak melakukan pernikahan dini dan juga bisa melanjutkan pendidikan yang lebih tinggi tetapi gagal dalam menjalankan perintah orang tua , merasa anak yang durhaka dan mendapatkan perilaku tidak baik dari warga sekitar selain itu warga juga menganggap anak yang terkena sangkal karena tidak mau dinikahkan oleh orang tuanya. Kata Kunci: Konflik intrapersonal, Remaja putri, menikah dini. Daftar Pustaka: 25 (2005-2013)


    The aim of this study is to know about female teenagers intrapersonal conflicts who are forced to get married early in the village of Banjarbillah, Sampang. This study uses qualitative descriptive method which is determined base on purposive sampling. The subject of this study is the female teenagers who are forced to get married early by parents in the village of Banjarbillah, Tambelangan District of Sampang regency, by criteriaof female teenagers who are18-19 years old (early adulthood) and they are still in Senior High School. Technique of collecting data are interviews. The result of this study shows that there are two interviewers that experience intrapersonal conflicts which are related with female teenagers who are forced to get married early by their parents, it also breaks social norms, religius norms, and also trust thought. The results of this study indicate that the intrapersonal conflict Married Girls Forced Dini. can be seen from the three indicators. There is a contradiction between feeling-afterglow and Frustration, Failure and Succeed, Hope and Despair, their two Idea or more the form of antagonism, Movement Heart (Impuls), Mutual contrast and occurred Tension Emotions and their A Struggle Between Desire and hostilities No Inner Conflicts Individual Form Psychic Feel Like Frustration, Stress and Trying to fight it. Each subject was happy for not doing early marriage and also could continue higher education but fail to execute commands parents, feel rebellious child and get the bad behavior of local residents in addition residents also considers affected children denied because it is not want to be married by her parents. Keywords: intrapersonal conflicts, female teenagers, get married early.

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