Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Penulis : ratih desy murdiningsih
    Dosen Pembimbing I : sri wahyuningsih, S.sos . Msi
    Dosen Pembimbing II :surokim , s.sos. Msi

    Lesbian merupakan bagian dari sebuah fenomena social di masyarakat. Namun, lesbian memiliki cara tersendiri untuk berinteraksi sesama lesbian melalui bahasa verbal dan bahasa non verbal yang dapat disimpulkan peneliti sebagai bentuk interaksi simbolik antar sesama lesbian. Interaksi simbolik yang diberikan penanda kepada sesama lesbian dapat menjadi proses pertukaran makna dari lesbian yang tidak mengetahui istilah tersebut menjadi mengerti makna istilah tersebut. Penelitian Interaksi Simbolik Komunikasi Antar Lesbi ini merupakan penelitian dengan jenis deskriptif kualitatif. Proses dalam melakukan penelitian merupakan penekanan dalam riset kualitatif. Agar bisa dilakukan lebih mendalam, penelitian ini difokuskan pada interaksi simbolik yang dilakukan oleh lesbian. Penelitian ini mengamati bagaimana lesbian berinteraksi tentang diri mereka dalam komunikasi melalui metode deskriptif yang lebih menekankan pada observasi partisipan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, beberapa lesbian dapat menyatakan dirinya pada sesame lesbian melalui interaksi simboliknya. Lesbian yang memiliki pemahaman konsep diri positif lebih mudah untuk membuka diri atau melakukan komunikasi yang baik dengan sesama lesbian. Kata Kunci : Interaksi Simbolik, Bahasa Verbal, Bahasa Non Verbal, Lesbi, Komunikasi.


    ABSTRACT Lesbian form a part of one social's phenomenon at society. But, lesbian has to make the point alone to get lesbian's humanity interaction pass through verbal's language and language non verbal inferential researcher as shaped as simbolik's interaction among lesbian's humanity. simbolik's interaction that given by awl to sesame lesbian cans be process meaning interchange from lesbian that doesn't know that terminology as understands that terminology meaning. Lesbian those are on RSAL Dr Ramelan's pavement area doesn't want its id knew by extern society with negative image. Lesbian here mengingikan its id known by masyrakat by them alone and formation image they alone. Simbolik's Interaction research Communication Among Lesbi this constitute research with kualitatif's descriptive type. Process in does research to constitute emphasis in riset kualitatif. To be able to been done more visceral, this research is focused on simbolik's interaction that did by lesbian. This research observes how lesbian gets interaction about they in communication via more descriptive method emphasize on participant observation. Base observational result, severally lesbian gets to assert oneself on sesame lesbian passes through simboliknya's interaction. Lesbian who have concept grasp self positive easiering to exposes oneself or do good communication with lesbian's humanity. At other side available lesbian that effected by happening interference deep gets communication, which is since each behalf, motivation and think so choosing to been closed so they don't declare for simboliknya's interaction on lesbian's humanity about. But in a general way in this lesbian's group or interaction even type humanity just them get to get interaction with every consideration, obviously with body language, gaze, given attitude that just gets to be understood by lesbian's humanity in that place and with alone language. Key word : Simbolik's interaction, Verbal's language, Language Non Verbal, Lesbi, Communication

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