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    Penulis : Ujang Kurniawan US
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Masduki, M.Pd.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, S.S., M.Pd.


    ABSTRACT Us, Kurniawan, Ujang. An Analysis of Performative Utterance in Jose Mourinho Interviews on Chelsea TV. Thesis. English Study Program of Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisor (I) Dr. Masduki, M.Pd. and Advisor (II) Diah Ikawati A , SS., M.Pd. This study focuses on the Performative Analysis in Jose Mourinho Interviews. Austin’s theory of performative utterance is used. The statement problems in this study are: what types of the Performative Utterance are found in Jose Mourinho’s Interview? what are the most types of Performative Utterances used in Jose Mourinho’s interview? And the objectives of this study are: to described the types of performative utterance used in Jose Mourinho’s interviews, and to finds the most types of performative utterance used in Jose Mourinho’s interviews. This study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. Collecting data was conducted in 3 steps: download the transcription from the internet, reading the full transcript of Mourinho interviews, and underline the utterances that are indicated to be performative Utterance. The methods of data analysis in this study are: first, collected data were classified into 5 types of performative utterances. Second, the data were analyzed to answer the research question. The last, conclusion was drawn based on the data analysis. This study found the types of performative utterance produced by Jose Mourinho, the Types of Performative are 1.verdictives 12 data, 2.exercitives 5 data, 3.commisive 13 data, 4.behabitives 1 data, and, 5.expositives 7 data. The most used type is commisives, because Jose Mourinho gives a many promise to his fans and club’s chairman. Keywords: The Types of Performative Utterances, Jose Mourinho Interviews.

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