Detail Karya Ilmiah

  • THe Reflection of England's Social Condition in 18th Century in William Blake's Introduction to "Song of Experience" and Introduction to "Song of Innocence"
    Penulis : Muhamad Kholil Asy'ari
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Suryo Tri Saksono
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Suci Suryani, S.S.,M.Pd

    ABSTRACT Asy’ari, Muhamad Kholil. ( The Reflection of England’s Social condition in 18th Century in William Blake’s Introduction to “Song of Experience” and Introduction to “ Song of Innocence”. Thesis. English Study Programe of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisors: (1) Dr. Suryo Tri Saksono, (II) Suci Suryani, S.S, M.Pd. William Blake’s Introduction to “Song of Experience” and Introduction to “Song of Innocence” are the poems with social, politic, and religious themes. This study is aimed in social aspect of both poems. Sociology of literature theory that focuses on sociology of work used to analyze the reflection of England’s social condition in those both poems. This study is conducted using qualitative design since the data are taken as they are without any change and described in form of words. It can be concluded that both poems describes England’s social condition in 18th Century from lower class point of view. Those poems show a chaotic England condition. It makes segregation in society and suffering condition in lower class which is an impact of industrial revolution. Keywords: William Blake’s Poems, Sociology of Work, England’s Social Condition, Urban Labor, Industrial Revolution.


    ABSTRACT Asy’ari, Muhamad Kholil. ( The Reflection of England’s Social condition in 18th Century in William Blake’s Introduction to “Song of Experience” and Introduction to “ Song of Innocence”. Thesis. English Study Programe of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisors: (1) Dr. Suryo Tri Saksono, (II) Suci Suryani, S.S, M.Pd. William Blake’s Introduction to “Song of Experience” and Introduction to “Song of Innocence” are the poems with social, politic, and religious themes. This study is aimed in social aspect of both poems. Sociology of literature theory that focuses on sociology of work used to analyze the reflection of England’s social condition in those both poems. This study is conducted using qualitative design since the data are taken as they are without any change and described in form of words. It can be concluded that both poems describes England’s social condition in 18th Century from lower class point of view. Those poems show a chaotic England condition. It makes segregation in society and suffering condition in lower class which is an impact of industrial revolution. Keywords: William Blake’s Poems, Sociology of Work, England’s Social Condition, Urban Labor, Industrial Revolution.

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