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  • A Study of Bad language Used in the Rap Song Lyrics of Nicky Minaj
    Penulis : Uswatun Hasanah
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Rosyida Ekawati, S.S, M.Pd
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Dr, Masduki, M.Pd

    ABSTRACT UswatunHasanah. Study of Bad Language Used in the Rap Song Lyrics of Nicky Minaj.Thesis. English Study Program of Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences,University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisors: (I) Rosyida Ekawati, SS., MA. (II) Dr. Masduki, M. Pd This study analyzesbad language used in the song lyrics of Nicky Minaj. Bad language is frequently a matter of opinion or attitude, as opposed to fact. It is included to informal words that may be used as language that is considered to be bad or ungrammatical. Bad language is found most in the rap song lyrics because this genre is youth favorites which express their feeling in the form of free utterances such as bad language. To conduct this research, the writer uses the descriptive qualitative method since the data in the form of words or utterances. The data of this study are taken in the verse from eight song lyrics of Nicky Minaj, they are: Roman’s Revenge, Jump off 07, I get crazy, Itty bitty piggy, Superbass, Starship, Moment for life, I am you leader. To analyze the data, the writer takes the data which is classified into one of bad language categories such as jargon, slang, swearing, cussing, insult, and malediction that are expressed in the lyrics and analyzed based on the statements of problem. The result of this study shows that from eight song lyrics of Nicky Minaj found 31 kinds of bad utterance and classified into: 58% bad utterances of slang, 12,9% bad utterances of insult, 9,7% bad utterances of malediction, 9,7% bad utterances of cussing, 6,5% bad utterances of swearing and 3,2% bad utterances of jargon. Keywords: bad language, rap, Nicky Minaj


    ABSTRACT UswatunHasanah. Study of Bad Language Used in the Rap Song Lyrics of Nicky Minaj.Thesis. English Study Program of Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences,University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisors: (I) Rosyida Ekawati, SS., MA. (II) Dr. Masduki, M. Pd This study analyzesbad language used in the song lyrics of Nicky Minaj. Bad language is frequently a matter of opinion or attitude, as opposed to fact. It is included to informal words that may be used as language that is considered to be bad or ungrammatical. Bad language is found most in the rap song lyrics because this genre is youth favorites which express their feeling in the form of free utterances such as bad language. To conduct this research, the writer uses the descriptive qualitative method since the data in the form of words or utterances. The data of this study are taken in the verse from eight song lyrics of Nicky Minaj, they are: Roman’s Revenge, Jump off 07, I get crazy, Itty bitty piggy, Superbass, Starship, Moment for life, I am you leader. To analyze the data, the writer takes the data which is classified into one of bad language categories such as jargon, slang, swearing, cussing, insult, and malediction that are expressed in the lyrics and analyzed based on the statements of problem. The result of this study shows that from eight song lyrics of Nicky Minaj found 31 kinds of bad utterance and classified into: 58% bad utterances of slang, 12,9% bad utterances of insult, 9,7% bad utterances of malediction, 9,7% bad utterances of cussing, 6,5% bad utterances of swearing and 3,2% bad utterances of jargon. Keywords: bad language, rap, Nicky Minaj

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