Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Penulis : MAULIANA DEWI
    Dosen Pembimbing I : DR. SURYO TRISAKSONO
    Dosen Pembimbing II :IMRON WAKHID HARITS, S.S., M.Pd


    ABSTRACT Dewi, Mauliana. The Development of Image of Death in 24 Emily Dickinson’s Death Poetry Related to Author’s Biography. Thesis. English Study Program of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisors: (I) Dr. Suryo Tri Saksono, (II) Imron Wakhid Harits, S.S., M.Pd The focus of this study is the development of image of death in 24 death poetry from American woman writer named Emily Dickinson. These 24 death poetry are divided into three periods, they are, first, middle, and last period of Dickinson’s writing. Furthermore, they are analyzed base on the life background factors of the author which influence the development itself. Furthermore, because of this study has a relationship with the author’s biography so that the theory Biographical Criticism is used as the main tool to analyze the topic matter. This analysis will give resolution which is related to the research problems (1) How does the image of death in 24 Dickinson’s death poetry develop from 1858 until 1886 of her writing periods?, (2) What life background’s factors influence the development of image of death in 24 dickinson’s death poetry during 1858 until 1886 of her writing periods?. Moreover, this study is conducted using qualitative design because the data are collected and analysed in the form of words. The data of this study are the utterences of the author in her 24 death poetry, while the key instrument is the writer herself. After analysing the 24 death poetry of Emily Dickinson, it can be seen that the image of death in her 24 death poetry develop from the first, middle until the last period of her writing. The existence of this development is influenced by some life background factors of the author. In the first period, death is portrayed as nothing and it is influenced by “deepening menace” caused by the death her close people and her millieu. The author still uses simple words, such as, dust, sleep and rest because the author still has little experience or knowledge about death. While in the middle period, the image of death are classified into two parts they are fearful and freedom death that influenced by the Civil War and the some literary works. Furthermore, in the last period the death poetry of Dickinson concern on the defencelessness toward death and the afterlife. In this period, the author is much influenced by the Bible and her maturity that bring her poetry to be better. The word and the message are more complex because the author has understood more about death deeply. Key Words: Emily Dickinson, Death Poetry, Development,

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