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  • Prediksi Peluang Perpindahan Merk Mie Instan Dengan Menerapkan Analisis Rantai Markov Untuk Menentukan Strategi Harga
    Dosen Pembimbing I : SAMSUL AMAR S.T., M.Sc.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :HERI AWALUL ILHAMSAH S.T., M.T.

    Penelitian ini membahas tentang penerapan teori markov dalam menentukan strategi pemasaran mie instan. Strategi tersebut diwujudkan dalam bentuk fluktuasi harga jual di pasar. Responden penelitian ini meliputi mahasiswa dan masyarakat di sekitar kampus sebanyak 140 orang. Hasil penelitian ini mengkonfirmasikan bahwa nilai probabilitas steady state Indomie jika tidak menurunkan maupun menaikkan harga sebesar 0,417. Jika Indomie menurunkan harga Rp. 100 nilai probabilitas steady statenya adalah 0,490. Jika Indomie menurunkan harga Rp. 200 nilai probabilitas steady statenya adalah 0,589. Nilai probabilitas steady state Indomie jika menaikkan harga Rp. 100 sebesar 0,442 sedangkan Nilai probabilitas steady state Indomie jika menaikkan harga Rp. 200 sebesar 0,313. Peningkatan profit Indomie dapat dilakukan dengan menaikkan harga sebesar Rp.200 karena berdasarkan perhitungan nilai ekspektasi, strategi menaikkan harga sebesar Rp. 200 memiliki nilai ekspektasi tertinggi yaitu sebesar Rp.1.480.455.570.000 Kata kunci: rantai markov, strategi harga, mie instan, market share


    This research discusses about the implementation of markov theory to determining marketing strategy of instan noodles. The strategy is embodied in selling price fluctuations in the market. The respondents of the study are students and the community around the campus as many as 140 people. Results of this study confirm The steady state of probability value in balance prices is 0,417. If the prices is reduce to Rp. 100 so the steady state probability is 0,490. If the prices is reduce to Rp. 200 so so the steady state probability is 0,589. When the steady state probability value is increase Rp. 100 so state probability is 0,442, meanwhile if the steady state probability value is increase Rp. 200 so the steady state probability is 0,313. The profit development of Indomie can develop the prices as Rp. 200 because according to the calculating of expectations value, the strategy development as Rp. 200 has expectations value Rp. 1.480.455.570.000. key words: markov chain, prices strategy, instant noodle, market share

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