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  • Analisis Sifat Fisik Pancake Dari Pancake Mix Sukun
    Penulis : Yayuk Yuliatin
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Ir Umi Purwandari M App Sc.PH.D
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Askur Rahman STP.,MP

    Sukun merupakan bahan pangan lokal yang sangat potensial untuk dijadikan tepung karena memililki kandungan karbohidrat yang cukup tinggi. Tepung sukun diharapkan bisa mensubstitusi tepung terigu dalam pembuatan pancake, dan penambahan gum arab serta yeast diharapkan dapat memperbaiki kadar air, densitas dan volume pancake. Penelitian ini bertujuan (i) Mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan tepung sukun dengan penambahan gum arab serta yeast pada sifat fisik (volume dan densitas) dan kadar air pancake (ii) Mengetahui kondisi optimal penggunaan tepung sukun dengan penambahan gum arab serta yeast pada pembuatan pancake. Metode Response Surface Methodology (RSM) dipilih untuk mengoptimalkan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap parameter kadar air, densitas serta volume pancake. Proporsi tepung sukun, gum arab serta yeast dirancang menggunakan desain Box-Behnken dengan 3 faktor, 3 level dan 15 kombinasi perlakuan. Masing-masing level, yakni proporsi tepung sukucn 10%, 20%, 30% dan proporsi gum arab 1%, 2%, 3% serta yeast 3%, 4%, 5%. Hasil menunjukkan warna tepung terigu lebih putih daripada tepung sukun. Kandungan pati tepung sukun yaitu 46%. Penggunaan tepung sukun dengan penambahan gum arab serta yeast berpengaruh terhadap kadar air, densitas dan volume pancake. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pancake yang baik yaitu pancake dengan kadar air 40%, densitas 0,42 gr/cm3 dan volume 61,4 cm3. Kondisi yang disarankan untuk hasil optimum pancake pada proporsi tepung sukun 30%, Gum arab 2,7% serta Yeast 5%. Pancake yang baik yaitu pancake yang mempunyai daya kembang sempurna dan densitas yang rendah. Sedangkan kadar air minimum untuk pancake yaitu 40%. Proporsi tersebut menunjukkan proporsi yang optimal dalam membuat pancake. Kata Kunci: Pancake, Tepung Sukun, Gum Arab, Yeast, RSM


    Breadfruit is a local food with huge potential to be used as flour have adequate carbohydrate content is high enough. Breadfruit flour is expected to substitute wheat flour in making pancakes, and the addition of gum arabic and yeast expected to improve moisture content, density and volume pancakes. This study aims to (i) To assess the effect of the use of breadfruit flour with the addition of gum arabic and yeast on the physical properties (volume and density) and moisture content pancakes (ii) To assess the optimal conditions for the use of breadfruit flour with the addition of gum arabic, and yeast in the making of pancakes. Method of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is selected to optimize the factors that influence the parameters of moisture content, density and volume pancakes. The proportion of breadfruit flour, gum arabic and yeast designed using Box-Behnken design with 3 factors, 3 levels and 15 combined treatment. Each level, the proportion of flour sukucn 10%, 20%, 30%, and the proportion of gum arabic 1%, 2%, 3% and 3% yeast, 4%, 5%. Results show the color more white flour than breadfruit flour. Breadfruit flour starch content is 46%. The use of breadfruit flour with the addition of gum arabic and yeast effect on moisture content, density and volume pancakes. The results showed that the pancakes are pancakes with 40% moisture content, density and volume gr/cm3 0.42 61.4 cm3. Conditions are recommended for optimum results breadfruit flour pancakes in the proportion of 30%, Gum Arabic 2.7% and 5% Yeast. Pancakes are pancakes that have a perfect flower power and low density. While the minimum water content is 40% for pancakes. The proportion shows the optimal proportions in making pancakes. Keywords: Pancake, Breadfruit Flour, Gum Arabic, Yeast, RSM

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