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ANALISIS SEKTOR-SEKTOR UNGGULAN DI WILAYAH GERMAKERTASUSILA (PERIODE 2009-2013)Penulis : Harisuddin HasfiDosen Pembimbing I : Zakik, S.E.,M Si.Dosen Pembimbing II :Dr.Sutikno,S.E.,M.E.Abstraksi
Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan sektor ekonomi dan daya saing sektor-sektor ekonomi di wilayah Germakertasusila pada tahun 2009-2013 dan menentukan sektor unggulan dalam pembangunan daerah di wilayah Germakertasusila pada tahun 2009-2013 menggunakan metode Location Quotient (LQ) dan Shift Share (S-S). Hasil penelitian analisis Location Quotient(LQ) terhadap sembilan sektor ekonomi di wilayah Germakertasusila di ketahui bahwa sektor pertanian yang menjadi sektor basis tertinggi di kawasan Germakertasusila, di capai oleh Kabupaten Lamongan, Kabupaten Gresik, Kota Surabaya. hasil Analisis Shift- Share menggunakan metode klasik, dapat diketahui bahwa perkembangan komoditi Kawasan Germakertasusila tertinggi di capai oleh Kota Surabaya. Kata kunci : Pembangunan Nasional, Location Quotient, Shift Share.
AbstractionThe purpose of the research is to know the growth and competitiveness of the economic sectors in the Germakertasusila region in 2009-2013 and choose the dominant sector in regional development of Germakertasusila region in 2009-2013 using Location Quotient (LQ) method and Shift Share ( S-S) method. The reseacrh results Location Quotient (LQ) analysis for nine economic sectors in the Germakertasusila region it is known that agricultural sector be the highest base sectors in the Germakertasusila Region, achieved by Lamongan. Then the highest base sectors of mining and quarrying, achieved by Gresik. For the seven other sectors of the highest base achieved by Surabaya. The sector is manufacturing sector, electric sector, gas and water supply, construction, trade, hotels and restaurants, transport and communications, finance, leasing and company services and services sector. Based on the results of Shift-Share analysis using classic methods, it is known that the highest development of the commodity or the total increase in PDRB (Dij) in the Germakertasusila Region achieved by Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gresik, Mojokerto, Lamongan, Sumenep, Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan and Mojokerto. Keywords: National development, Location Quotient (LQ), Shift Share (S-S)