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  • The Language Variations Used by Transgender (A Study in Sofa's Salon at Blega District of Bangkalan)
    Penulis : Samsul Arifin
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Iqbal Nurul Azhar, SS., M.Hum.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Sriyono, SS., M.Hum.

    ABSTRACT Arifin, Samsul The Language Variations Used by Transgender (A Study in Sofa’s Salon at Blega District of Bangkalan). Thesis. English Study Program of Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisor (I) Iqbal Nurul Azhar, S.S., M.Hum and Advisor (II) Sriyono, S.S., M.Hum. This study concerns the phenomenon of language variations used by transgender in Sofa’s salon at Blega district of Bangkalan. It is intended to (1) know what kinds of language variations are often used by transgender in Sofa’s salon at Blega district of Bangkalan (2) get an understanding about the reasons behind the existence of language variations. This study uses descriptive qualitative method. The data was collected from June 1 to June 22, 2012 by participating in informants’ conversation, and observing the informants’ utterances. The informants were six transgender who participated in all of the activities in Sofa’s salon. The informants were also interviewed to get the information why they used language variations. This study uses Labov’s theory of the types of language variations. Based on the data analysis, it is found that dealing with the speakers’ utterances, language variations occur among the informants. Statistically, the percentage of Slang variations is 79.27%, Vulgar is 18.01% and Acrolect is 2.7%. It was also found that the informants often used slang variations rather than others. In addition, the informants never used colloquial, jargon, bassilect, argot and cant variations. This study has revealed the reasons of language variations; they are (1) the informants can communicate with a certain group, they belong to, (2) making other people outside the community being curious, (3) being closer with the other transgender in the same community, and (4) it became their habit. Four reasons appeared in the informants conversation. The percentage of each reasons: the informants can communicate with a certain group, they belong to is 57,14%, making other people outside the community being curious is 14,28%, being closer with other transgender in the same community is 14,28%, it became their habit is 14,28%. Keywords: Language Variations, Transgender


    ABSTRACT Arifin, Samsul The Language Variations Used by Transgender (A Study in Sofa’s Salon at Blega District of Bangkalan). Thesis. English Study Program of Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisor (I) Iqbal Nurul Azhar, S.S., M.Hum and Advisor (II) Sriyono, S.S., M.Hum. This study concerns the phenomenon of language variations used by transgender in Sofa’s salon at Blega district of Bangkalan. It is intended to (1) know what kinds of language variations are often used by transgender in Sofa’s salon at Blega district of Bangkalan (2) get an understanding about the reasons behind the existence of language variations. This study uses descriptive qualitative method. The data was collected from June 1 to June 22, 2012 by participating in informants’ conversation, and observing the informants’ utterances. The informants were six transgender who participated in all of the activities in Sofa’s salon. The informants were also interviewed to get the information why they used language variations. This study uses Labov’s theory of the types of language variations. Based on the data analysis, it is found that dealing with the speakers’ utterances, language variations occur among the informants. Statistically, the percentage of Slang variations is 79.27%, Vulgar is 18.01% and Acrolect is 2.7%. It was also found that the informants often used slang variations rather than others. In addition, the informants never used colloquial, jargon, bassilect, argot and cant variations. This study has revealed the reasons of language variations; they are (1) the informants can communicate with a certain group, they belong to, (2) making other people outside the community being curious, (3) being closer with the other transgender in the same community, and (4) it became their habit. Four reasons appeared in the informants conversation. The percentage of each reasons: the informants can communicate with a certain group, they belong to is 57,14%, making other people outside the community being curious is 14,28%, being closer with other transgender in the same community is 14,28%, it became their habit is 14,28%. Keywords: Language Variations, Transgender

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