Detail Karya Ilmiah
An Analysis of Political Satire of Sentilan Sentilun on Metro TVPenulis : JunaidiDosen Pembimbing I : Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, S.S., M.Pd.Dosen Pembimbing II :Iqbal Nurul Azhar, S.S., M.Hum.AbstraksiAbstraction
This article discuss about satire is used in Sentilan sentilun program on Metro TV. Sentilan sentilun program is showing politic topic that the actors always speak up the critics and satire. Based on the reason above, the problem can be formulated as follows: (1) the types of satire are found in Sentilan sentilun program (2) the most dominant of satire are found in Sentilan sentilun program (3) the purpose of satire are found in Sentilan sentilun program? This article aims to (1) clarify the types of satire in Sentilan sentilun program, (2) present most dominant of satire in Sentilan sentilun program (3) explain the purpose of satire in Sentilan sentilun program. This article was conducted using qualitative method. The techniques of data collection were looking for the video, watching the movie and selecting utterances produced by the actors. The data analysis was done by arranging data collection, classifying the utterances into the types of satire, discussing the findings, and concluding. This article found several findings: (1) the satire used by Sentilan sentilun program could be categorized into Formal and Indirect satire; the formal satire has two types, namely is Horace and Juvenal satire. Then, indirect satire is only one type; Mannipean satire. (2) The Horace satire is used mostly by the speaker to express meaning behind the utterance. (3) The satire is used purposing to convey the idea, critic, and opinion to House of representative, Government and President. Keyword : Satire, Sentilansentilun, Metro TV