Detail Karya Ilmiah

  • The Influences of Freemasonry Organization in American Social Life in Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol: A Hegemony Analysis
    Penulis : Henni Agustin
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Suryo Tri Saksono
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Suci Suryani, S.S. M. Pd

    ABSTRACT Agustin, Henni. 2014. The Influences of Freemasonry Organization in American Social Life in Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol: A Hegemony Analysis. Thesis. English Department of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, Trunojoyo University Madura. Advisors: (I) Dr. Suryo Tri Saksono (II) Suci Suryani, S.S., M. Pd. Dan Brown The Lost Symbol is a novel which shows the influences Freemasonry organization in United States in its story. This novel describes how the Freemasonry organization ways to dominate politic, military, education and others to influences the society in United States. Relating to these the research question set in this study is: how are the novel describes the influences of Freemasonry organization in American social life. Then, hegemony is used to analyze the novel. In this theory, it is explained how a leader dominate subordinate. The form of domination in theory of hegemony, the form is dominant groups based on Antonio Gramsci’s thought. The next, to conduct this study, the qualitative research is used to observe the data into the form of words. Finally, after analyzing the novel, it can be concluded that: influences of Freemasonry organization can visible from economy, politics, military rule, family, religion, culture, education, mass media, architecture and symbol, and art in Dan Brown The Lost Symbol is manifested by one organization. The power of intellectuality is shown by Freemasonry organization. Key Words: power and hegemony.


    ABSTRACT Agustin, Henni. 2014. The Influences of Freemasonry Organization in American Social Life in Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol: A Hegemony Analysis. Thesis. English Department of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, Trunojoyo University Madura. Advisors: (I) Dr. Suryo Tri Saksono (II) Suci Suryani, S.S., M. Pd. Dan Brown The Lost Symbol is a novel which shows the influences Freemasonry organization in United States in its story. This novel describes how the Freemasonry organization ways to dominate politic, military, education and others to influences the society in United States. Relating to these the research question set in this study is: how are the novel describes the influences of Freemasonry organization in American social life. Then, hegemony is used to analyze the novel. In this theory, it is explained how a leader dominate subordinate. The form of domination in theory of hegemony, the form is dominant groups based on Antonio Gramsci’s thought. The next, to conduct this study, the qualitative research is used to observe the data into the form of words. Finally, after analyzing the novel, it can be concluded that: influences of Freemasonry organization can visible from economy, politics, military rule, family, religion, culture, education, mass media, architecture and symbol, and art in Dan Brown The Lost Symbol is manifested by one organization. The power of intellectuality is shown by Freemasonry organization. Key Words: power and hegemony.

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