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    Dosen Pembimbing I : Rif'ah Inayati,S.S.,M.A
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Suci Suryani, S.S.,M.Pd

    This study is focused on hero’s stages and psychological changes which are experienced by John in James A. Owen’s Here, There be Dragons. This study is aimed to describe; (1) the stages of John’s hero journey in the story based on Campbell’s monomyth theory. (2) The psychological changes of John during his journey. This study uses qualitative method; because the key instrument of this study is the writer himself and describes the data in the form of words. Therefore, this study uses the utterances of the characters and narrator’s narrations in line with the research problems to reveal John’s hero journey which are found in the novel. Thus, this study does the data collection simultaneously with the data analysis.After analyzing the novel, the study finds that John as the hero in the novel experiences three main stages in his journey; departure, initiations, and return. In John’s journey, almost all of the sub-stages of monomyth happen in John’s journey, except for the meeting with the goddess, woman as temptress, and refusal of the return. John also experiences psychological changes during his journey along with his sub-stages. They are; afraid, unconfident, confident, calm, and happy.


    This study is focused on hero’s stages and psychological changes which are experienced by John in James A. Owen’s Here, There be Dragons. This study is aimed to describe; (1) the stages of John’s hero journey in the story based on Campbell’s monomyth theory. (2) The psychological changes of John during his journey. This study uses qualitative method; because the key instrument of this study is the writer himself and describes the data in the form of words. Therefore, this study uses the utterances of the characters and narrator’s narrations in line with the research problems to reveal John’s hero journey which are found in the novel. Thus, this study does the data collection simultaneously with the data analysis.After analyzing the novel, the study finds that John as the hero in the novel experiences three main stages in his journey; departure, initiations, and return. In John’s journey, almost all of the sub-stages of monomyth happen in John’s journey, except for the meeting with the goddess, woman as temptress, and refusal of the return. John also experiences psychological changes during his journey along with his sub-stages. They are; afraid, unconfident, confident, calm, and happy.

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