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A Study of Language Variety on Facebook StatusPenulis : a'isyahDosen Pembimbing I : Iqbal Nurul Azhar, SS.,M.Hum.Dosen Pembimbing II :Diah Ikawati A.,SS.,M.Pd.Abstraksi
ABSTRACT Aisyah. A Study of Language variety on Facebook Status.Thesis.English Department of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, Trunojoyo Madura University. Advisors: (I) Iqbal Nurul Azhar, S.S., M.Hum. (II) DiahIkawatiA , SS., M.Pd The objective of this study is to explain kinds of language variety and what varieties do mostly occuron the Facebook status. Furthermore, the writer took in total 76data, after the obtained data had been collected, she identified and classified and discussed the varieties occur and finds what language variety is dominantly used. Based on statement of research problems are as follows: (1) what kinds of language varieties can be found on the Facebook Status, (2) What kinds of language varieties do mostly occur on Facebook status. This study applies an identity method on explaining language varieties used on the Facebook status. The writer compares the varieties with the normal usage of language.This study is classified as a descriptive qualitative study. The findings and discussion found kinds of varieties which exist in data are dialect, written style variety, informal variety, basilect. Then, Language variety which mostly occurs is written style variety. Keywords: Language Variety, the user of language, the usage of language and Facebook Status
AbstractionABSTRACT Aisyah. A Study of Language variety on Facebook Status.Thesis.English Department of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, Trunojoyo Madura University. Advisors: (I) Iqbal Nurul Azhar, S.S., M.Hum. (II) DiahIkawatiA , SS., M.Pd The objective of this study is to explain kinds of language variety and what varieties do mostly occuron the Facebook status. Furthermore, the writer took in total 76data, after the obtained data had been collected, she identified and classified and discussed the varieties occur and finds what language variety is dominantly used. Based on statement of research problems are as follows: (1) what kinds of language varieties can be found on the Facebook Status, (2) What kinds of language varieties do mostly occur on Facebook status. This study applies an identity method on explaining language varieties used on the Facebook status. The writer compares the varieties with the normal usage of language.This study is classified as a descriptive qualitative study. The findings and discussion found kinds of varieties which exist in data are dialect, written style variety, informal variety, basilect. Then, Language variety which mostly occurs is written style variety. Keywords: Language Variety, the user of language, the usage of language and Facebook Status