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A study of Conjunction Translation in the novel "The Old Man and The Sea" and Its TranslationPenulis : Atik HusniaDosen Pembimbing I : Sriyono, SS.,M.HumDosen Pembimbing II :Rosyida Ekawati, SS.MAAbstraksi
ABSTRACT Husnia, Atik. A Study of Conjunction Translation in the Novel The Old Man and The Sea and Its Translation. Thesis. English Study Program of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, Trunojoyo Madura University. Advisors: (I) Sriyono, S.S., M.Hum. (II) Rosyida Ekawati, SS., MA. This study concerns about translation, especially kinds and procedure in translating conjunction in the novel The Old Man and The Sea. This study aimed to identify the translation variation of English conjunctions in the novel The Old Man and the Sea and its translation and explain the procedure that is applied by translator in transferring English conjunction from source text into target text. Moreover, this study analyzes the conjunction translation uses Halliday and Hassan’s theory that is found in the novel The Old Man and The Sea. The seven procedures of translation which are proposed by Vinay and Darberlnet in Venuti is also involved in analyzing the data. Qualitative design is applied in this study because the data were collected and analyzed in the form of words. The data of this study is the conjunctions found in the novel. The findings found four types in translating conjunction. They are literal translation of English conjunction, translation variation of English conjunction into Indonesian conjunction, translation of English conjunction into Indonesian non-conjunction, and zero-translation of English conjunction. Furthermore, literal translation, modulation, and transposition procedure are the most applied in translating conjunction from source text into target text. Keywords: translation, conjunction, procedure of translation
AbstractionABSTRACT Husnia, Atik. A Study of Conjunction Translation in the Novel The Old Man and The Sea and Its Translation. Thesis. English Study Program of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, Trunojoyo Madura University. Advisors: (I) Sriyono, S.S., M.Hum. (II) Rosyida Ekawati, SS., MA. This study concerns about translation, especially kinds and procedure in translating conjunction in the novel The Old Man and The Sea. This study aimed to identify the translation variation of English conjunctions in the novel The Old Man and the Sea and its translation and explain the procedure that is applied by translator in transferring English conjunction from source text into target text. Moreover, this study analyzes the conjunction translation uses Halliday and Hassan’s theory that is found in the novel The Old Man and The Sea. The seven procedures of translation which are proposed by Vinay and Darberlnet in Venuti is also involved in analyzing the data. Qualitative design is applied in this study because the data were collected and analyzed in the form of words. The data of this study is the conjunctions found in the novel. The findings found four types in translating conjunction. They are literal translation of English conjunction, translation variation of English conjunction into Indonesian conjunction, translation of English conjunction into Indonesian non-conjunction, and zero-translation of English conjunction. Furthermore, literal translation, modulation, and transposition procedure are the most applied in translating conjunction from source text into target text. Keywords: translation, conjunction, procedure of translation