Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Dosen Pembimbing I : DR. SURYO TRI SAKSONO
    Dosen Pembimbing II :ERIKA CITRA SARI HARTANTO,SS.,M.Hum

    ABSTRACT Handoyo, Deka Yanuar. ( The Portrait of American Upper Class Society in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. Thesis. English Study Program of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisors: (I) Dr. Suryo Tri Saksono, (II) Erika Citra Sari Hartanto, S.S, M.Hum. Since the novel entitled The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald portrays the social condition of American upper class society in 1920s is unique and interesting to be discussed, this study is intended to describe the economic condition of America, and the influences of economic condition of America toward upper class’ life style. Concerning with these matters, this study focuses on the analysis of the characters’ utterances and author’s narration portraying American upper class society in 1920s. Sociology of literature, especially sociology of work is used as the basis theory to analyze the social condition of society in the certain time that is portrayed in the novel. This is a qualitative study because in line with the features of qualitative research that the data collection was done simultaneously with the data analysis. There are three related processes in the data analysis; reducing data, displaying data and making conclusion. After analyzing the novel, the study finds out that F. Scott Fitzgerald as the author portrays American upper class society during 1920s in his novel. It greatly shows how the response and the condition of American upper class in some aspects of life. Those aspects are economy and life style. America experienced the economic boom in 1920s. Many industries and business expansion appeared in America. Consequently, America became wealthy country, and it could give many impacts to the American society at the time. The impacts included prosperity until life style changing. They prefer to live in glamorous and wealthy such as attending luxurious party, driving sophisticated automobile, drinking alcohol, having love affair, etc. Keywords: Upper Class, Life Style, Jazz Age, Economic Boom, American


    ABSTRACT Handoyo, Deka Yanuar. ( The Portrait of American Upper Class Society in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. Thesis. English Study Program of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisors: (I) Dr. Suryo Tri Saksono, (II) Erika Citra Sari Hartanto, S.S, M.Hum. Since the novel entitled The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald portrays the social condition of American upper class society in 1920s is unique and interesting to be discussed, this study is intended to describe the economic condition of America, and the influences of economic condition of America toward upper class’ life style. Concerning with these matters, this study focuses on the analysis of the characters’ utterances and author’s narration portraying American upper class society in 1920s. Sociology of literature, especially sociology of work is used as the basis theory to analyze the social condition of society in the certain time that is portrayed in the novel. This is a qualitative study because in line with the features of qualitative research that the data collection was done simultaneously with the data analysis. There are three related processes in the data analysis; reducing data, displaying data and making conclusion. After analyzing the novel, the study finds out that F. Scott Fitzgerald as the author portrays American upper class society during 1920s in his novel. It greatly shows how the response and the condition of American upper class in some aspects of life. Those aspects are economy and life style. America experienced the economic boom in 1920s. Many industries and business expansion appeared in America. Consequently, America became wealthy country, and it could give many impacts to the American society at the time. The impacts included prosperity until life style changing. They prefer to live in glamorous and wealthy such as attending luxurious party, driving sophisticated automobile, drinking alcohol, having love affair, etc. Keywords: Upper Class, Life Style, Jazz Age, Economic Boom, American

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