Detail Karya Ilmiah
Pemetaan Terumbu Karang di Perairan Pulau Tabuhan Kabupaten Banyuwangi Menggunakan Citra Satelit QuickbirdPenulis : Reina DamayantiDosen Pembimbing I : Zainul Hidayah S.Pi. M.App. ScDosen Pembimbing II :Maulina Kusumo Wardhani S.kel. M.SiAbstraksi
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi dan penyebaran terumbu karang dengan menggunakan teknik penginderaan jauh memanfaatkan data citra satelit Quicbird dan menggunakan algoritma Lyzenga. Pengambilan data lapang menggunakan teknik LIT (Line Intercept Transect) yang dimaksudkan sebagai data pembandingnya. Hasil klasifikasi terbagi menjadi 7 kelas yaitu semak belukar, vegetasi, pasir kasar, karang hidup, karang mati, pecahan karang (rable), dan pasir halus. Luas karang hidup 142.154,79 m2 dan karang mati 118,932,215 m2. Prosentase terumbu karang pada data lapang menghasilkan 66,15 % (kedalaman 3 m) dan 65,74 % (kedalaman 10 m) yang semuanya masuk dalam kategori baik. Uji akurasi terhadap citra satelit Quicbird memberikan hasil yang cukup memadai yaitu 60 %. Kata kunci: terumbu karang, citra satelit Quicbird, teknik LIT (Line Intercept Transect), uji akurasi
AbstractionABSTRACT This research’s objective is to obtain information on the condition and distribution of coral reefs ecosystem of Tabuhan Island using remote sensing technology. Quickbird satellite imagery data was used in this study with further analysis using the Lyzenga algorithm to classify the types of shallow water substrate such as sand, living coral, death coral and rubbles. An extensive field observation using the Line Intercept Transect (LIT) was also conducted to acquire on-site description of the condition of the coral ecosystem and to be used as a comparation with the results from the satellite image analysis. Result from the image analysis showed that living coral covers approximately 142.154,79 m2 and dead coral covers 118,932,215 m2 of the shallow water substrates around the island. Moreover, from the result of field observation, it can be explained that over 66.15% (in 3 meters depth) and 65.74% (in 10 meters depth) of coral ecosystem is still in fairly good condition. Finally, accuracy test of the Quickbird image analysis gives a moderate results with 60% of the image analysis can be associated with the true condition of the island based on field observation (ground check). Key word: Coral reef, Quickbird satellite imagery, Line Intercept Transect (LIT), and Accuracy test