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  • Formulasi Optimum Cookies Ganyong Menggunakan CMC (carboxy methyl cellulose)
    Penulis : Tri Tyas Listyaningrum
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Burhan, STP. MT
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Dr. Ummi Purwandari

    Ganyong memilki potensi yang cukup banyak, salah satu potensinya adalah bisa dijadikan tepung.Tepung ganyong diharapkan bisa mensubstitusi tepung terigu dalam pembuatan cookies, dan CMC ditambahkan untuk memperbaiki kenampakan dan tekstur cookies. Penelitian ini bertujuan (i) untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan tepung ganyong dan penambahan CMC (ii) untuk mengetahui formulasi optimum cookies ganyong serta respon panelis terhadap cookies ganyong. Metode Response Surface Methodology (RSM) dipilih untuk mengoptimalkan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap hardness cookies dan ANOVA untuk mengetahui uji kesukaan terhadap cookies ganyong berdasarkan atribut warna, aroma, rasa, kerenyahan tekstur dimulut dan kesukaan secara umum . Proporsi tepung ganyong dan konsentrasi CMC dirancang menggunakan desain Central Composite Rotate Design (CCRD) masing-masing 5 level, yakni proporsi tepung labu 0%, 25 %, 50%, 75%, 100%, dan konsentrasi gum arab 0%, 0,2%, 0,4%, 0,6%, 0,8%. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan software minitab 14 model second order polinomial dan SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penggunaan tepung ganyong yang tinggi dan CMC yang rendah cenderung menurunkan hardness, sedangkan penggunaan tepung labu yang tinggi dan konsentarsi CMC tinggi cenderung menaikkan hardness cookies. Formulasi optimum cookies ganyong dapat dimodelkan melalui persamaan matematis: Y = 12450,4 - 233,6x1 - 11637,1x2 + 1,3x12 + 3103,0x22 + 223,6x1x2 dari persamaan didapatkan formulasi optimum cookies ganyong dalam penggunaan tepung ganyong 50-100% dan konsentrasi CMC 0-0,2%. Uji kesukaan dianalisis menggunakan software SPSS® menunjukkan bahwa panelis menyukai produk cookies ganyong yang memiliki konsentrasi tepung ganyong 50% dan konsentrasi CMC 0%. Kata kunci: tepung ganyong, CMC, cookies, RSM


    Canna have the potential for a lot, one of the potential is tepung.Tepung canna can be expected to substitute wheat flour in making cookies, and CMC be added to improve the appearance and texture of the cookies. This study aims (i) to determine the effect of the use of canna starch and CMC addition (ii) to determine the optimum formulation canna cookies and these cookies canna panelist responses. Method of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is selected to optimize the factors that influence the hardness of cookies and ANOVA to determine preferences for cookies canna test based on attributes of color, aroma, flavor, crispness in the mouth texture and preference in general. The proportion of canna starch and CMC concentration is designed using Central Composite design Rotate Design (CCRD) each 5 levels, ie the proportion of flour pumpkin 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, and the concentration of gum arabic 0%, 0, 2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8%. Data analysis was performed using the software Minitab 14 second order polynomial models and SPSS. The results showed a high use of canna starch and CMC low hardness tends to decrease, while the use of high pumpkin flour and high CMC concentration tends to increase hardness cookies. Optimum formulation canna cookies can be modeled by the equation: Y = 12450.4 to 233.6 x1 - x2 + 1.3 11637.1 3103.0 x12 + x22 + x1x2 223.6 optimum formulation of equations obtained in the use of cookies canna canna 50-100% starch and CMC concentration from 0 to 0.2%. Preference test was analyzed using SPSS ® software products like the panelists indicated that cookies canna canna flour which has a concentration of 50% and 0% CMC concentration. Keywords: canna starch, CMC, cookies, RSM

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