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  • Kondisi Optimum Pembuatan Cup Cake Tersubstitusi Tepung Talas Dengan Penambahan Gum Arab
    Penulis : Ahmad Fawaid Kurniawan
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Umi Purwandari
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Burhan S.TP, M.T

    ABSTRAK Bahan pangan lokal yang dapat mensubstitusi tepung terigu yang sangat potensial salah satunya talas yang dapat dijadikan tepung, karena memililki kandungan karbohidrat yang cukup tinggi. Tepung talas diharapkan bisa mensubstitusi tepung terigu dalam pembuatan cup cake, dan penambahan gum arab diharapkan dapat memperbaiki kekentalan/viskositas, tekstur, dan mempertahankan flavour cup cake. Penelitian ini bertujuan (i) Mengetahui sifat kimia dan tekstural tepung talas (ii) Mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan tepung talas dan penambahan gum arab pada kadar air, volume cup cake dan sifat tekstural cup cake, (iii) Mengetahui kondisi optimal penggunaan tepung talas dan penambahan gum arab pada pembuatan cup cake . Metode Response Surface Methodology (RSM) dipilih untuk mengoptimalkan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap parameter kadar air, volume cup cake, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, dan hardness. Proporsi tepung talas, dan gum arab, dirancang menggunakan desain Central Composite Rotatable Design (CCRD). Masing-masing 5 level, yakni proporsi tepung talas 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% dan proporsi gum arab 0%, 0,2%, 0,4%, 0,6%, dan 0,8%. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan software minitab 14 model second order polinomial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tepung talas mempunyai komposisi kimia yaitu protein 7,81%, lemak 0,67%, amilosa 63,41%, amilopektin 1,36%, kalsium 90 mg/100g, phosfor 182 mg/100g, kalium 2,1 mg/100g, dan memiliki ukuran granula pati yang cukup besar (28,39 ?m) di bandingkan dengan terigu (20-22 µm) dan memiliki sifat gel yang tidak mudah pecah. Adhesiveness, hardness yang optimum pada kombinasi proporsi tepung talas (30% - 40%) dan konsentrasi gum arab (0% - 0,4%). Kadar air, volume cup cake optimum pada kombinasi proporsi tepung talas (0% - 20%) dan konsentarsi gum arab (0% - 0,5%), sedangkan sifat cohesiveness optimum pada proporsi kombinasi tepung talas (20% - 30%) dan konsentrasi gum arab (0,4% - 0,8%). Kondisi yang disarankan untuk hasil optimum dalam pembuatan cup cake talas yaitu 40 % tepung talas dan 0,5 % gum arab. Kata Kunci: Tepung Talas, Cup Cake, Gum Arab, RSM


    ABSTRACT Taro which has high carbohydrate content, is one of the local tubers that has potential for substituting wheat flour. Taro flour is expected to be able to substitute wheat flour on cup cake by adding some arabic gum for increasing the viscosity, textural quality, and enduring the flavor. This research aims are to know chemical and textural properties of cup cake and the number of taro flour and arabic gum added at the optimum condition. Experimental design used was Response Surface Methodology (Central Composite Rotatable Design – CCRD) which has two variables, taro flour level (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%) and arabic gum (0%, 0,2%, 0,4%, 0,6%, 0,6%, 0,8%). Parameters of quality observed are water content, cup cake’s volume, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, and hardness. The result was analyzed by using second order polynomial. The results showed that the chemical composition of taro flour protein is 7.81%, fat 0.67%, 63.41% amylose, amylopectin 1.36%, Calcium 90 mg/100g, 182 mg/100g phosfor, potassium 2.1 mg/100g, and has a size of starch granules are quite large (28.39 ?m) compared with wheat (20-22 ?m). Starch granule size larger, more resistant to hydrothermal treatment, and taro starch gel properties that are not easily broken.. The combination of taro flour (30%-40%) and arabic gum (0%-0,4%) resulted optimum adhesiveness and hardness. Meanwhile, the combination of taro flour (0%-20%) and arabic gum (0%-0,5%) resulted optimum water content and volume. The combination of taro flour (20%-30%) and arabic gum (0,4%-0,8%) resulted optimum cohesiveness. Overall, the optimum quality of cup cake was reached in taro flour 40% and arabic gum 5%. Keywords: Taro Flour, Cup Cake, Arabic Gum, RSM

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