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    Penulis : Farah Dilla Rosul
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Masduki, M.Pd.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Diva Wenanda, S.S., M.Pd.


    A STUDY OF TABOO EXPRESSIONS USED BY THE CHARACTERS OF SEX AND THE CITY 2 FILM By: Farah Dilla Rosul Abstract This study focuses on taboo expressions used by the characters of “sex and the city 2” film. Taboo is one of linguistics phenomena, it occurs in the most languages because every member of the society has different ways to express his/her mind in language. Moreover, it depends very much or moral values, norms and culture that have been grown and developed in one society which is exist and agreed together. This study is conducted using qualitative method. The source of data in this study is dialogue in “sex and the city 2” film. The data are the utterances of the all characters of the film “sex and the city 2”. In collecting the data, the writer conducted several steps: The first step, watching the movie to know the story of the film and write the script of the dialogue in “Sex and the City 2” film. The script takes with copy from the subtitle in the film. The second step is watching the film again to get the accurate data and the context. The third step is identifying the data using code to enable the writer to analyze the data. The last step is coding of the data. And then, data analysis After the writer seeing the sex and the city 2 film, firstly the writer identified the kinds of the taboo expressions used by the characters of sex and the city 2 film and classified them based on Keith Allan Burridge’s theory of expressions types. After that, the writer tried to analyze the kinds of taboo expressions. From data that are found seventeen data that used in this study. Through this study, nine or equal with 53% are of bodies and their effluvia, six or 35% are of the organs and acts of sex; one or equal with 6% are of disease, death and killing; and there are have the same score, one or equal with 6% are of disease, death and killing and the other 6 % are naming, addressing, touching, and view persons, and sacred beings. There are two or equal with 12% are of bodies and their effluvia uttered by male. And the female there are fifteen data or 88%, such as nine or equal with 53% are of bodies and their effluvia, six or 35% are of the organs and acts of sex; one or equal with 6% are of disease, death and killing; and there are have the same score, one or equal with 6% are of disease, death and killing and the other 6 % are naming, addressing, touching, and view persons, and sacred beings. Thus, the dominant conversation of taboo expressions in the sex and the city 2 film is uttered by female. Keywords: Taboo Expressions, Film, Sex and the City 2

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