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    Penulis : A. Mutamtam
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Rosyida Ekawati, S.S., MA.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Diah Ikawati A, S.S., M.Pd.

    Mutamtam, A. A Study of Implicatures in Mean Girls 2 film. Thesis. English Department of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisors: (I) Rosyida Ekawati, SS., MA., (II) Diah Ikawati A , SS., M.Pd. ABSTRACT A communication can fail if there is no mutual understanding between the speaker and hearer because they use implicatures in their conversation. It can be found from Mean Girls 2 film, especially in dialogues between Jo and Abby. Based on the reason above, the question can be formulated as follows: (1) what kinds of implicatures occur in Mean Girls2? (2) What kinds of implicatures mostly occur in Mean Girls 2? (3) How are implicatures used by Jo and Abby in Means Girls 2? This study aims to (1) identify kinds of implicatures occur in Mean Girls 2, (2) identify kinds of implicatures mostly occur in Mean Girls 2, (3) explain implicatures used in Mean Girls 2. This research was conducted using qualitative method. It was used to give comprehensive descriptions and discover the use of implicature in the film. The researcher was the key instrument of the research because she was who analyzed the data. The techniques of data collection were looking for the transcript of the film, watching the movie, reading the transcript of the movie, and selecting utterances produced by the main characters. The data analysis was done by arranging data collection, classifying the utterances into the types of implicature, discussing the findings, and concluding. This study found several findings: (1) Implicature used by Jo and Abby could be categorized into conventional implicature and conversational implicature of cooperative principle, (2) Conversational implicature was used mostly by the speaker to express meaning behind the utterance, (3) Implicature was used when the speaker delivers utterance become context-free, so the hearer sometimes can guess the meaning behind the utterance but also cannot guess the meaning. Key Word: Conventional implicature, Conversational implicature, Cooperative principle, Means Girls 2.


    Mutamtam, A. A Study of Implicatures in Mean Girls 2 film. Thesis. English Department of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisors: (I) Rosyida Ekawati, SS., MA., (II) Diah Ikawati A , SS., M.Pd. ABSTRACT A communication can fail if there is no mutual understanding between the speaker and hearer because they use implicatures in their conversation. It can be found from Mean Girls 2 film, especially in dialogues between Jo and Abby. Based on the reason above, the question can be formulated as follows: (1) what kinds of implicatures occur in Mean Girls2? (2) What kinds of implicatures mostly occur in Mean Girls 2? (3) How are implicatures used by Jo and Abby in Means Girls 2? This study aims to (1) identify kinds of implicatures occur in Mean Girls 2, (2) identify kinds of implicatures mostly occur in Mean Girls 2, (3) explain implicatures used in Mean Girls 2. This research was conducted using qualitative method. It was used to give comprehensive descriptions and discover the use of implicature in the film. The researcher was the key instrument of the research because she was who analyzed the data. The techniques of data collection were looking for the transcript of the film, watching the movie, reading the transcript of the movie, and selecting utterances produced by the main characters. The data analysis was done by arranging data collection, classifying the utterances into the types of implicature, discussing the findings, and concluding. This study found several findings: (1) Implicature used by Jo and Abby could be categorized into conventional implicature and conversational implicature of cooperative principle, (2) Conversational implicature was used mostly by the speaker to express meaning behind the utterance, (3) Implicature was used when the speaker delivers utterance become context-free, so the hearer sometimes can guess the meaning behind the utterance but also cannot guess the meaning. Key Word: Conventional implicature, Conversational implicature, Cooperative principle, Means Girls 2.

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