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  • Pemetaan Beban Sistem Kredit Semester (SKS) dan Indeks Prestasi Sementara (IPS) Mahasiswa Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
    Penulis : Isha Paramita Sari
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Retno Indriartiningtias S.T.S.E.M.T
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Ari Basuki S.T.M.T

    Fakultas Teknik Universitas Trunojoyo Madura mengalami naik turun Indeks Prestasi Sementara sejak 2010-2012 fakta ini sangat mempengaruhi terhadap sks yang akan diambil mahasiswa disemester berikutnya. Oleh karena itu perlu melakukan pemetaan beban SKS dan IPS mahasiswa TI. Pada penelitian ini pemetaan dilakukan dengan analisis K-Mean Cluster dengan sample mahasiswa angkatan 2009-2010 untuk SKS dan IPS semester 2 sampai semester 5. Hasil penelitian didapatkan pada cluster 1 IPS terletak antrara 1,61 sampai 3,34, sks antara 2 sampai 11, cluster 2 IPS terletak antara 2,33 samapai 3,96, sks antara 21 sampai 24 sks, cluster 3 IPS terletak antara 2,67 sampai 3,75, sks antara 14 sks sampai 21, cluster 4 IPS terletak antara 1,41 sampai 2,74, sks antara 14 sampai 23, cluster 5 IPS terletak antara 0,20 sampai 2,14, sks antara 11 sampai 24. Kata kunci : Indeks Prestasi Sementara, K-Mean Cluster, Sistem Kredit Semester


    Faculty of Engineering, University Trunojoyo of Madura experienced ups and downs since the 2010-2012 GPA While this fact greatly affects the credits that the student will take next semester. Therefore it is necessary to map and load credits IPS IT students. In this study, the mapping is done with K-Mean Cluster analysis with a sample of students of 2009-2010 for 2 semesters and social studies credits to semester 5. The results showed in cluster 1 IPS is antrara 1.61 to 3.34, between 2 to 11 credits, 2 IPS cluster lies between 2.33 samapai 3.96, credits between 21 to 24 credits, 3 IPS cluster is located between the two, 67 to 3.75, between 14 credits to 21 credits, 4 IPS cluster lies between 1.41 to 2.74, between 14 to 23 credits, 5 IPS cluster lies between 0.20 to 2.14, between 11 to 24 credits . Keywords: While GPA, K-Mean Cluster, Credit Semester System

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